Steam beer
Steam beer originally referred to a lager that was brewed without access to refrigeration. The term “Steam Beer” was trademarked by Anchor Brewing Company in 1981. Because of the trademark,the […]
Steam beer originally referred to a lager that was brewed without access to refrigeration. The term “Steam Beer” was trademarked by Anchor Brewing Company in 1981. Because of the trademark,the […]
Porter was the first beer in the world to be produced and exported on a large scale.
Jean De Clerck (1902-78) first brewed Duvel in 1923 using a strain of yeast he had taken from bottle conditioned McEwan’s Scotch Ale. It was a dark beer until 1970.
Hildegard of Bingen preferred that nuns the nuns in her convents drink beer. It was better than the water, which was often polluted, it promoted weight gain, and it made […]